University of Bristol Guides & Scouts (UOBGAS) is the Student Scout And Guide (SSAGO) club for the University of Bristol. We welcome new members whether or not they are currently involved in Scouting or Guiding.
Meeting weekly in a variety of locations to partake in a variety of activities, there will always be something for everyone over the term, if there isn’t let us know, and we can help you to organise it for the club. On top of this we also attend the national rallies held around the country with SSAGO clubs from other universities, as well as the annual ball.
Endorsed by Bristol SU
Our club has its origins as the Bristol University Scout Club, which held its first meeting on the 22nd of January 1922. Sometime later this extended and then eventually in 1948 the SSAGO was formed. This club ran under a few different names until about 2005, when it closed. In late 2015 the club was "reborn".
We have lots of exciting activities planned for the year ahead. Watch this space for more information about us as we make new history!
Proudly supported by Bristol SU!
We currently have 17 active members.
Our current chair is Peter Lillistone.
Herbert III (right) is a polar bear. He is named after Herbert II, the former mascot of the old UOBGAS (himself named after Herbert, the first mascot).
Norbert (left) is our steal-able mascot. You may find him in pockets, rucksacks or even the odd pound shop.